I had the privilege to attend the 2022 Young Living Conference in June in person. The last live Young Living Conference had 28,000 members attending in person. This time there were 6,000 and the rest of the people were on Zoom. In addition to the USA, next year the Zoom option will also include Canada, Mexico and South America.

The Creation of Progessence Plus Serum
One of the dearest people that I appreciated listening to was Doctor Dan Purser. Allow me to give you a bit of a background about his life. Dr. Purser got into a car accident and was in a coma for two months. He had many broken bones, was in terrible pain and he had doubts that he was going to make it. One day one of his former schoolmates came to visit him. He said "Dan, you are not going to make it unless you get your hormones working". His friend was one of five leading Endocrinologists in America. Dr. Purser had studied hormones to help his patients, but he was not integrating this concept into his own healing. His friend started treating him for the Endocrine system. Combined with therapy, he learned how to walk again and eventually went back to his practice.
Along the way, he met Gary Young. Gary had already formulated some support products for the endocrine system including oil blends for Mary Young to support her conception for two boys that she had in her fifties. Gary and Dr. Purser were both very familiar with what many women went through during menopause and the health issues of the general endocrine system. Together, they began testing several essential oils that showed promise to support women's hormones throughout the entire body. Dr. Purser had friends who owned a lab in California where they would spin body fluids, plant substances etc. that breaks the product into tiny, tiny molecules.

They tried this with a selection of essential oils and this product became "Progessence Plus". The finite molecules easily absorb into the skin to provide glandular support.
With 36 years of experience and many books behind him, he told us that he wants to totally support Mary Young, to speak the truth and work with the Young Living Scientist to provide formulas to supplement depression problems, hormonal deficiencies and more. He said that the Young Living Scientists are a very high caliber, and it is a rare opportunity to work with such a group of people. It takes time to develop and source products for Young Living members, after all, there are over a million members. It is a big family!
Conference Highlights
One of the things I enjoyed very much was the farming booths in the Pavilion. It was a great experience to talk to the managers and distillers from our various farms from around the world. When you speak to them, you feel confident that they really have their heart into producing the very best plants for your essential oils. They keep up the Seed to Seal standard that Gary developed.
I especially enjoyed the Northern Lights booth from Northern British Columbia. There is something so special around all the oils from the Conifers that are grown and distilled there. We had a chance to smell all the oils that are distilled and placed in canisters and driven by truck to the Young Living Lab in Utah.
One of our head distiller employees worked with an engineer to build a stainless-steel distiller that is operational. It took a lot of work to have every part measured and placed together to make a working distiller. They had a distillation exhibit at the conference so people could see for themselves the process that takes place to distill an essential oil. The distiller will be placed in the Customer Service purchasing area at the head office in Levi, Utah.
We met the management team and other staff members for Young Living and the Charity Arm of the D. Gary Young Charity Division. Mary Young said she had never had such a team that is devoted to work for you. I must agree with her. It is such a good feeling not to have to question the integrity or the lack of vision of a company you are associated with. The staff was very approachable and in great spirits. You can see they are happy with what they are doing, and they feel that they are making a difference. In fact, some of them are former employees that came back to Young Living. Along the way they gleaned helpful experience that is evolving the company into a new future. Each department works very well with one another to hold together the values of Young Living; their members are the heartbeat of the company.
May I remind you that Young Living's job is to provide and warehouse product for distribution so that we can share it with people. They do not have to educate, do conferences, and have workshops or pay for members to come together and celebrate their rank with expenses paid. They provide opportunity and it is then up to you to move forward to do what you want to share. Everyone has the freedom to take a direction that they feel comfortable with as long as they do not break the law. Young Living has provided something called Policy and Procedures if you have any questions about the law or policies. The company is very generous in what they do for all of us whether it is for a beginner or a Diamond that is now able to affect policy on behalf of the members.
Remembering Gary Young
If any of you had the opportunity to meet Gary Young, you likely think to yourself, it is hard to believe that he is not with us. He was a farmer at heart, had a very curious mind, full of charisma and had a mind that Mary, his wife, could not always understand. One day, she said to him, Gary I do not understand what you are doing, but I am behind you all the way. That is all he wanted to hear. In 30 years, he accomplished as much that it would take most people 100 years or so to do. He was on fire for his mission. His mission was to bring Young Living Essential Oils to every household. He felt that essential oils were holy, and would never do anything to pervert a plant and was so saddened when others would add extender's and other by-products to essential oils. It broke his heart. They were sacred to him. Take the time to read the following remembrance of Gary. It is history that makes Young Living so different. The company was never dreamt up in a boardroom. It was Gary and Young Living members that worked the fields, distilled and brought the product to you. It was a magical time.
The Skyrider Ranch was Gary's favorite place to be. He is buried at Skyrider. From the balcony, he could view miles of Juniper trees, the Bison, Elk, Deer and Long Horn Sheep. His legacy continues today as Young Living recently donated a large part of the Ranch to the state for the migration of animals. View the clip of the Big Long Horn Nursery in Tabiona, Utah where the Ranch is located.

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