Greetings to everyone reading the Essential Drops Oils of Joy newsletter!
New Testimonial

Margaret, a member of Essential Drops of Joy called and said that she purchased Copaiba moisturizing shampoo and moisturizing conditioner. She has fine curly hair. For a long time, she had used the other Young Living Shampoos but found that the Copaiba made a difference on her scalp as well as her hair. Copaiba is an oily resin from a tree, so it is processed much differently than almost all the other essential oils that are distilled. She convinced me to purchase this combination on my next order.
My Testimony
I had a package of Frankincense resin that I put in the bottom of a gallon jug and filled it with water to take to a dinner party. There was quite a bit left over so I brought it home and began drinking it through the day. It lasted for about four days. I soon realized that the roof of my mouth began to discharge inflammation that was in my mouth from the metals that were in the amalgams. I have tried so many things but never got the results as I did from drinking frankincense.
Mousetrap Experience
A friend of mine was setting a mouse trap and asked me to help him. He applied the cheese and peanut butter, and the large trap snapped on all three of my fingers. Oh, what a pain! As I was holding my fingers, he yelled out, 'get the Lavender'. I did and almost instantly the pain left.
and it calmed me down. It reminded me to always carry essential oil with you. You will be
happy to have it at an unexpected time.
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Red Cedar Bliss Whsl. $54.00 PV $54.00 15 Ml.
An essential oil blend:
Helichrysum, Clove, Frankincense, Western Red Cedar wood and leaf oil, & Orange.
Discover this new formula! It is a plant powered formula where the selected oils boost the immune system and can be used for health issues or continued maintenance support. The Young Living website states the Red Cedar Bliss can be used in several ways. Red Cedar is not usually recommended for diffusing because of its heavy valence. However, in this case, it is combined with lighter oils and states that it can be added to the water in your diffuser.

Red Cedar Bliss For Health
1. Place one drop of Red Cedar Bliss with 2 drops of carrier oil and place
under tongue OR place in a capsule and swallow with water. For compromised health issue, you can continue this for three weeks.
2. After taking for three weeks, discontinue for one week. For some, you may want to take the Live 5 probiotic and then stop when you begin the next phase. Start again with two drops under tongue OR place in capsules with V 6 carrier oil and swallow with water. If you are sensitive, take with your food. Take optional Live 5 probiotics for one week and then stop. If you feel there is a need to continue or for maintenance continue with two or three drops on tongue or in a capsule with carrier oil and swallow. Do this for a week. Always use your judgement.
According to your health issue, you may feel that you want to continue; do the suggested routine or take the blend for a time for maintenance purposes. If you feel you should continue: Add three essential oil blends and 5 drops of V6 carrier oil and place under tongue OR add to the capsule and swallow with water. Take for one week. Re-evaluate your condition.
Additional Ways to Use Red Cedar Bliss
The blend can be applied straight on location or mixed with a carrier oil. It can be used to massage feet or with the Raindrop Technique... Carrier oil is recommended for children, sometimes for people on medication or sensitive individuals. Simply experience the oils in your diffuser. Enjoy and Aroma Drink by adding a drop to water and drink throughout the day.
The price is very good considering it has Helichrysum from the Young Living Farm in Croatia and Frankincense Boswellia from Oman. It is a complex system of distilling the leaves and the wood of the mighty Red Cedar Tree. Clove by itself is known for getting rid of staph. It is evident to me that a lot of thought and science is behind this formula.
Red Cedar Bliss for Dogs
For dogs, first begin by applying to paws. Likely best to mix with a carrier oil. It can be used for larger animals in a spray or put on location. Mix with water and add essential oil and shake. You could add a little V-6 oil to enable the oil to stick more. Shake the spray bottle every time you use it. It should be a food grade standard bottle.
I have referenced information given on the Young Living web page in addition to personal training that I received from Gary Young when we first started Young Living in Spokane Washington 1991. We always suggest according to FDA recommendations that you consult your health practitioner.
Banking Awareness
Today I was reading the 'Epoch Times' a reputable newsletter for its investigative reporting and bringing forth true news. The headline stated, 'Surge in Deposit Withdrawals from Biggest US Banks.' I know that many of you keep up with current events, but I want to bring to the forefront of your mind how it affects you personally. The second largest bank in America, located in Silicon Valley, collapsed. There are several mismanagement and economic reasons for this. Do you know that any bank can collapse from a bad rumor and the customers run to the bank to withdraw their money and the bank no longer has funds to operate. A bank taking a bank holiday or closing or going broke can collapse a community. I looked at the rating of the bank that holds my personal bank account and found that it rated number nine in the line of un-stability.
The interesting thing is that several banks have met and are attempting to bail out the bank in Silicon Valley, California. These banks are already shareholders in this bank. Many banks hold shares in other banks. There are Canadian banks that are shareholders in American Banks. Now the bank claims that your money is insured and that if something unforeseen happens, your money will be repaid. The thing is, they do not say when! It could take years. On the other hand, the bank can claim that once you deposit your money, it becomes theirs, and they don't have to pay you back.
Now, when a bank collapses, so do a lot of other businesses. The banks and the pharmaceutical companies own most of the corporate business that manufacture foods for the grocery store. They also own the packaging companies that package the food. They also own most of the soft drink companies. Pepsi is a shareholder for Coke, Coke is a shareholder for Pepsi along with five other colossal companies as major shareholders. All the potatoe
chips, cookies, breakfast cereals, soft drinks are all owned by huge conglomerates and they dictate what is on the market today. They own fertilizer companies, packaging plants, petro companies. Of course, we know that the food that these corporations have available for the most part is toxic and addictive foods. Profit is the bottom line, and they profit from you and the pharmaceutical health business.
Many small businesses that produce good products, have integrity and are entrepreneurs, often get to a point where they need more machinery, more employees etc. and it is difficult to take the next jump to huge loans. These large companies make an offer that is so high that people often sell out. Believing that they will maintain the high standards that were the framework of their business. Soon, you see a change in labeling, packaging, and changes in prices. The nano packaging appears to be made by one of their off-shoot companies and other partners that add food preservers, food additives etc. Another arrangement that is used is to purchase a mom-and-pop business to annihilate it so it does not exist, getting rid of any competition.
Now one of the reasons I have mentioned this is because there was a time when Gary Young was just beginning to get well-known. There was a curiosity as to what he was doing and a lot of people thought he had a novel idea that might go someplace someday. One day he came into the office with a rather odd smile on his face and there was a change in his energy.
He had just received an offer from a large conglomerate to buy him out.
Gary had made a pledge to God, that if he would give him back the use of his leg, he would devote the rest of his life to alleviate human suffering. He knew that this company would never withhold the standards in any area. He stood firm and felt good he had said 'No" even though he did not know where the next dollar was going to come from to grow the business. He left it all up to God, and you know yourself what happened.
When a bank collapses it has a trickle effect right into our communities. Be prudent with your finances and be glad that you are in a family of like-minded families that lives by their values and supports one another. I am so pleased and appreciative that we are all together.
Affectionately yours,
Essential Drops of Joy Team
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