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December Note

Writer's picture: Maria LowMaria Low

Happy  Holidays!

This fall I have been attending many seasonal events as a Young Living vendor. I have learned a few things that I would like to share with you. Many people know about Young Living and gravitate to my table and tell me that they know that Young Living is the best. They talk more about Young Living than I do. Many of them have not kept up their membership because they feel abandoned. Their upline signed them up and then never paid any attention to them. So this was an opportunity to invite them to join me and also to get my newsletter. People are so happy to be out and about. Everyone is in a great mood including the other vendors. The children love to have a Peppermint Lavender Drink that is made with the Young Living oils and artesian water. I put little signs up throughout my table with a few words to clue them into the use of the product. At last week’s event, I had quite a few elderly ladies come by to share with me how they learned about Young Living. Some were interested in some videos I had made to give as Christmas presents. So now I have a list of invites for gatherings that I will plan for 2024. Many expressed their opinion on Western Medicine and are open to a number of other alternatives. Each event I have attended has been very positive. It is so wonderful to be with life-minded people that are making a difference!

Wishing you a joyful holiday season!

Maria Low

In Appreciation:

It is incredible that Young Living was able to provide enough product for the Black Friday sale and in addition to that, the staff paid commission advance so that we were able to take advantage of discounts from 35 percent to 50 percent. What a big help that was for the Young Living Members!

How they are able to continue giving us free products with our orders is a miracle.  These are just of the privileges we receive when we participate in the Rewards program for automatic shipping each month. Do explain the Rewards program to your people and prospects. Explain that to become a member with a wholesale account, all that is required is that you order once a year. You can change your order each month, change your shipping date and have your own free website which includes the product catalog.  

On the Rewards program you have the first choice of products, better shipping rates and accumulate Rewards points for free products. Mary Young along with the staff do everything they can to support us. Thank you for supporting Young Living.

R.C. Back In Stock

R.C. is a very important oil blend to support the respiratory system. Be sure and use it when the first symptoms of congestion, cold, or stuffy sinuses. Be sure to use it in your diffuser. Apply as needed. Can add a drop to water to drink.

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hyrdrosol Coming Back

Stayed tuned for the return of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol. This is the first distilled water and oils that come out of the distiller. It is being bottled up and will soon be back online. It is a multi spray for the face, hair, and body.  2.6 oz.  $14.00.

Make a Shift Starter Kit

Quick Links

Access the Product guides, social media shareables images, onboarding tips, etc. Go to your virtual office and click on Member Resources. 

Seeking Newsletter Contributions 

Do all of your members and prospects have access to this newsletter? Invite them to join us once a month. If anyone has tips or testimonies, we would love to hear from you. If you would like your name, photo and the area you live presented on our newsletter as one of the Essential Drops of Joy Team/Young Living contacts please provide us with the information and we will add the information to the newsletter. You can also see us in the Natural News online publication. Enjoy all the interesting articles that are a part of the alternative health community. View the articles here:

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