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Overview From Young Living Conference

Writer's picture: Maria LowMaria Low

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Rosewood Essential Oil

Rosewood is considered an endangered species so Young Living was unable to distill it for its essential oils. Many Years ago, Gary found a farmer to partner with and together they planted Rosewood on a farm in Brazil. The bushes have grown enough so they can be cut and distilled.

Rosewood oil was a major ingredient in the original Valor Blend. We now have enough to come back with the original Valor! The Original Valor will remain online until sold out. It is exciting to know the original formula is now available to use, thanks to Gary thinking ahead so that we are independent and can grow and distill the Rosewood even though it is an endangered species. We are so very fortunate to have our own farms and lenders that work with us honoring the Seed to Seal Standard. Rosewood is truly a wonderful essential oil.

Young Living Invitation

All members are invited to visit the Young Living farms. Call ahead and let them know you are interested in visiting the farm. Mary Young put out a special invitation to visit the Ecuador farm. She arranged to have Cabana's built for people to stay in. The Spa is open and other services such as the Raindrop Technique is available. Wonderful food is available. You can spend time to walk the property and spend time under the Palo Santo trees, the Patchouli, ylang ylang, lemon grass, oregano, and some of the native plants. It is a magical experience.

The Sandalwood farm In Hawaii is our busiest farm for visitors. We were told that some new products will be coming from the Hawaiian farm.

The Young Living Academy

The Young Living Academy is the highest rated school in Ecuador. The Young Living members provided the money for the Academy as well as the new high school. There is no sugar, bread, or fried foods on the menu. The children look very good, and they have lots of hair, and big smiles. Most have gone on to higher learning including working at the Young Living Farm when they have completed their studies. An agriculture program is going to be introduced into the education system for all grades. You can request to visit the Academy and adopt a student while you are there. It is a wonderful experience.

The Young Living Foundation

The Young Living Charities continue to work to rescue children from slavery and from sex predators. Young Living has centers where rescued children are brought for treatment and are prepared to unite back with their families. The Charity work in Uganda continues where workers remove Jiggers from the children's feet and gives them shoes. We also supply mosquito nets.

Solar panels have been supplied to the Navajo Nation where they use the heat for electricity and warmth.

All donations are tax deductible. At the end of the year, you can donate and have a tax approved donation. Young Living pays a full-time person to operate the Charity. They are not paid from your donations. Be sure to round up your Young Living Order to donate to the Charities. Gary Young said that Young Living is not about figures but the result of the figures to help others. That is what we are all about the more you serve and help others, the more your you affect people with your kindness. It will come back. Learn more about The Young Living Foundation.

Young Living App

Do you have the Young Living app downloaded on your smart phone? There is information on the app to share with a new prospect or to keep up with product or educational information. Younger people are developing successful businesses in a short period of time with their phones and other technology. Download the Young Living App

Seed to Seal

Do you think the Seed to Seal logo are just words? I spent a lot of time at all the booths presented by the workers from our farms from around the world. I have to say that I was so proud of their loyalty to Gary and to the members. They truly steward the soil. Everything

is done organically, constantly tested. Many of the farms have scientific instruments for immediate testing. The farms are visited to be sure the standards are met. Our head distillers spend time at all the farms. Workers want to stay with our farms because they do not want to work for a lower standard. All our farms are checked for possible slavery and mistreatment. Everyone could ask questions at each booth and discover how each farm contributes to the Young Living Members.Let people know what Seed to Seal means. If anyone is in doubt, they can personally visit any of the farms and see for themselves.

Bee Research

Young Living continues their research on how the Bees affect the Lavender Fields. When the study is completed, it will appear in the medical journals and other publications. Young Livng has established stations for the Monarch butterflies. They are encouraged members to set up Monarch stations with Milk Thistle. The goal is to keep them off the endangered species list.

Young Living Water System

Young Living is coming out with a water purification system. Gary came out with a water system years ago, but he did not have enough time to keep up with the work required. Young Living is coming out with a system and more information will be available later.

The New Deep Spectra Technology

When Doctor Linn, Young Living head scientist, made a discovery, the entire lab was cheering. He was very modest and said to us that it was the Young Living Team that made a discovery from the oils that have already been distilled. My understanding is from what he explained is that from the dredges of the oils there are more components that can be used from the essential oils. I do not know the process because the discovery is now being patented which means the discovery is protected and no one else can use it. Essential oil molecules have different weights so to attract some of the molecules left behind. Cacao attracted plant compounds that were not used previously. The Spectra oils have added compounds that the other oils do not have. To date three De Spectra essential oils have been formulated: Frankincense, Orange Cocoa Sandalwood, and Orange Cocoa.

Young Living recently purchased a state-of-the-art scientific device that refines their research. Young Living has the most extensive Scientific Laboratory in the world in the field of Aromatherapy.

New Products


Elderberry is the main ingredient, and the Essential oil Lime not only has antioxidant properties but adds to the flavor. The Gummies are convenient and easy to take. They are soft and chewable. There is no sugar. The ingredients support the respiratory system, immune system and has some fermentation from algae to support the gut. It is recommended for children starting at four years of age to adults. Best taken one in morning and one in evening however they can be taken at any time with or without food. One month’s supply is $39.00.

Simplified by Jacob + Kate Tropical Lip Balm

Jojoba oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, Wolfberry seed, Rosehip oil, orange peel, premium essential oil combination to moisturize the lips.


Green Omega 3

Not all Omega's are alike! Your body cannot create essential fatty bodies, important for cellular function, brain health and for the immune system. The fatty acids are in veggie capsules and are plant sourced. Clove is included as a natural preserve and a powerful antioxidant. The algae in the formula is fermented. Vitamin E, Glycerin. No fish oil is added.

. Heart and circulation

. Mental - brain function

. Natural immune response

. Supports joint, skin and eye health response

. Healthy inflammation response

Recommended for 18 years of age and older

Soft Gel $68.00

The Original Valor

Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy Rosewood.

Gary's Original essential oil is back! Because of the Northern Lights Farm in Northern British Columbia, and the Highland Farm in Northern Idaho, Young Living has enough Black Spruce for all the Valor Blends. Now that our Rosewood is back, the formula is completed. Young Members are particularly happy about this as it is an important oil as a part of the Raindrop Technique.


Daily Probiotic Fiber

A daily probiotic plant based and supports gut health.

Benefits of probiotic fiber:

· Microbiome care

· Digestive health

· Immune Health

· Brain Health

· Immune Health

Primary Ingredients:

· Prickly pear cactus

· Passionfruit Powder

· Hydrolyzed guar gum

One scoop per day is recommended. If a woman is pregnant or a person is under medical care, consult your health practitioner.

7.79 ounces


Ignite Your Journey

Gary created this blend in 1992. Juniper, peppermint, ginger, cardamon, cinnamon. Can apply neat or mix with carrier oil and apply to location. Diffuse, Aroma Drink, or add to capsules.


5 ML

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